Pydah College Of Engineering

Kakinada | Andhra Pradesh | INDIA
An Autonomous Institution
NCC & NSS Units

NCC Unit
The ‘Aims’ of the NCC laid out in 1988 have stood the test of time and continue to meet the requirements expected of it in the current socio–economic scenario of the country. The NCC aims at developing character, comradeship, discipline, a secular outlook, the spirit of adventure and ideals of selfless service amongst young citizens. Further, it aims at creating a pool of organized, trained and motivated youth with leadership qualities in all walks of life, who will serve the Nation regardless of which career they choose. Needless to say, the NCC also provides an environment conducive to motivating young Indians to join the armed force
Advantages of NCC training:
Those cadets who achieve ‘B’ and ‘C’ certificates after two years of training, are given the following preferences:
They are given preferences to join Indian Army, Navy or Air Force.
10 marks are allotted in SSC and NDA Examinations.
They are exempted from written tests conducted by SSC and SSB.
They are given preferences in Rail, Bank, Police, CRPF, BSF, Security Guard etc.
05 marks are allotted for them in School Service Commission, B. Ed. Exams.
NCC cadets are allowed to enter Fort William.
NCC cadets can avail canteen facilities (CSD).
They can travel anywhere in India and abroad during camps, all free of costs.
They are given preferences in Govt. Jobs.
An NCC cadet knows how to protect himself/ herself and is physically very fit than others.

NSS Unit
National Service Scheme is a permanent youth programme under the ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India , popularly known as NSS was launched in Gandhiji's Birth Centenary Year 1969, in 37 Universities involving 40,000 students with primary focus on the development of personality of students through community service. Now a days , NSS has more than 3.2 million student volunteers on its roll spread over 298 Universities and 42 (+2) Senior Secondary Councils and Directorate of Vocational Education all over the country. From its inception, more than 3.75 crores students from Universities, Colleges and Institutions of higher learning have benefited from the NSS activities, as student volunteers.
Objectives of NSS Unit
Understand the community in which they work
Understand themselves in relation to their community
Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem-solving
Develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility
Utilise their knowledge in finding practical solutions to individual and community problems
Develop competence required for group-living and sharing of responsibilities
Gain skills in mobilising community participation
Acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitudes
Develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters and
Practise national integration and social harmony